Materiali sui temi della sessualità e dell'aborto: documenti di propaganda a firma di: New York City Board of Education Empleyees; U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census; The Institute for Labor and Mental Health; Abortion Rights Action Week di New York; Naral (National Abortion rights action league); Women's pro basketball. Documenti di analisi e di riflessione:
"Do you want to return to the butchery of self-induced or back-alley abortion?", a cura del Naral (National Abortion rights action league) di Washington;
"The women's health movement", documento a cura di Naomi Fatt del Heath Rights Collective;
"NWHN Organizational development 1975-1978", riassunto della storia del movimento NWHN;
"National women's health network actions and accomplishments. Highlights, 1975-1978", documento sulle iniziative del movimento NWHN;
"Network accomplishments 1978-'79", s.a.;
"The Congress...", a cura dell'American Civil Liberties Union di New York;
"Beginnings: a brief history of the founding of the network", s.a.;
"Dear friend...", lettera aperta del Women Against Pornography di New York;
"Abortion and Working Women: Defending the Right to Choose", a cura di diverse organizzazioni di New York;
"Public opinion polls abortion issues 1977-1978", a cura della NARAL Foundation;
"At the last California now...", a cura della California now, Inc. of the National Organization for Women;
"Margo St. James...", s.a..
"Keep your teeth. Preventive dentistry", a cura della Beach Area Community Clinic, San Diego, 1975.
ARM Action, a cura del Abortion rights movement of women's liberation, a. I, n. 2, luglio-agosto 1979.
Ritagli stampa in fotocopia da:
"The Indipendent Record"del 15 settembre 1978;
"Sojourner. The new england women's journal of news, opinions, and the arts", art. 4, n. 7, marzo 1979;