Materiale di agitazione e di propaganda a firma Berkeley liberation program, The north american congress on Latin America (NACLA), the Committee to Free Los Siete de La Raza, Sally Gore e Bruce Nelson - REP [Radical education Project], Worker-student-Action Committee. Bollettini:
"Instant news service" (Special issue no. 1, May 25 e Vol. 1, no. 9, May 26 1969);
"Chronology of the '27'";
"Time-table for the Student conference 5-6.10.68 in Oslo" [in duplice copia];
"Slaughter on the job", by Lee Webb (Reprinted with permission from Guardian, September 6, 1969);
"Stanford, the Trustees and Southeast Asia", a cura di Stanford Community, a firma Stanford Chapter e Students for a democratic society;
"How Bobby was framed" (Reprinted from Dock of the Bay, 26 agosto-3 settembre, s.a.);
"General letter to correspondents - Dear friends: it has been some time since i have sent ...", a cura di Bay area Radical education Project, San Francisco;
"How now the empire?", a cura di REP;
"Bay area REP Literature list";
"Empire and revolution", a cura di REP;
"NACLA Research Methodology Guide" (due versioni diverse).
Huey P. Newton, "Essays from the Minister of Defense", a cura del NACLA;
"The uses of U.C. Berkeley: Research", a cura di RSU [Radical Student Union], 1969;
"Liberation of woman: to change the world and re-invent life", IDAC Document 3;
Mayday manifesto, "Women's liberation & the new politics", by Sheila Rowbotham (2/6d, pamphlet 4, s.d.);
"Teach yourself student Power edited by David Adelstein", an RSA [Radical Student Alliance] publication;
Nick Egelson, "Letter to the movement: Re-creation: self transformation and revolutionary consciousness" (aprile 1970);
"Through the looking glass. A radical guide to Stanford", by Stanford chapter of Students for a Democratic Society;
Carl Davidson, "The New Radicals in the Multiversity" (a cura di SDS);
"Who Rules Columbia?", a cura del Nacla;
"The top 22: Columbia's ruling elite";
Africa Research Group [Cambridge, Massachusetts], "International Dependency in the 1970's" (s.d., ma 1970).