ISMEL - Polo del '900

MA - Convegno di studi su "Le patronat de la seconde industrialisation", Paris 22 aprile 1977

Unità archivistica
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  • Data
  • Descrizione
    Convegno di studi su: Le patronat de la seconde industrialisation, Paris 22 aprile 1977. Fotocopie degli interventi:
    1. Floud, Roderick, Le Patronat de la seconde industrialisation;
    2. Kaelble, Hartmut, Long - term chenges of the recruitment of the business elite: Germany compared to the US and Great Britain sicnce the industrial revolution;
    3. Kocka, Jurgen, Salaried entrepreneurs in Germany industry, late 19th and early 20th century;
    4. Larther P., Les ingenieurs des mines, le Patronat et la seconde industrialisation;
    5. Morsel, Henri, Le Patronat alpin français et la seconde révolution industrielle (1869 - 1939);
    6. Cayez, Pierre, L'industrialisation lyonnaise au 19éme siécle. Du grand commerce à la grande industrie;
    7. Torstendahl, Rolf, Business leaders, their selection and sociali setting in Sweden (1880-1950);
    8. Jequier, F., Le patronat horloger suisse face aux nouvelles technologies (XIX XX sec).

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