Fondazione Sandro Penna, Torino

This painting depicts the continuing cycle of lifeand the role all people must play to ensure an AIDS free future. Dragonflies, frogs, birds, butterfly and the two people reach out to touch the tree of life and hope and the seeds on the shield. The tree's roots turn into water, the mainstay of life. Zane Saunders (Aboriginal Artist), March 1993

  • Data


  • Soggetto

    Locandina realizzata in occasione della Campagna Nazionale contro l'AIDS del Commonwealth Department of Health, Housing, Local Government and Community Services. Grafica di Zane Saunders.

  • Oggetto

    Scheda S, manifesto

  • Note

    Colore: Scritte nere su fondo giallo e colore; Supporto: Carta; originale

  • Segnatura definitiva

    AE 134

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