Istituto di studi storici Gaetano Salvemini - Polo del '900

"Energia USA". Rapporti sulle fonti energetiche negli Stati Uniti

Unità archivistica
  • Segnatura archivistica

    La Ganga. 711

  • Data

    1978 - 1979

  • Consistenza


  • Contenuto

    "Solar Equipment for Residential Heating and Cooling. Science and Technology Project. August 1978"; "Assessment of Geothermal Resources of the United States - 1978. Geological Survey Circular 790"; "Domestic Policy Review of Solar Energy. A Response Memorandum to The President of the United States"; "The Report of the Alcohol Fuels Policy Review", June 1979;"Shale Oil Status Report", July 1979; "Materials and Energy from Municipal Waste. Resources Recovery and Recycling from Municipal Solid Waste and Beverage Container Deposit Legislation", 1979

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