Associazione culturale Vera Nocentini. Archivio - biblioteca storico - sindacale

In morte e in ricordo di Alberto Tridente

Unità archivistica
  • Tipologia
    Unità archivistica
  • Data
    2012 - 2013
  • Descrizione
    Corrispondenza (telegrammi, lettere, biglietti, stampe di e-mail) ricevuta da famiglia e Fondazione Vera Nocentini in morte di Alberto Tridente il 24 luglio 2012; rivista Venaria Oggi, n.69, aprile 2013 con uno speciale in omaggio ad Alberto Tridente (2 copie); programma del servizio commemorativo per i parlamentari europei deceduti, Bruxelles, 4 giugno 2013 con necrologio di Frank Schwalba - Hoth, "Alberto Tridente RBW, Italy (1985-1989) was born in summer 1932 and died in Turin three weeks after his 80th birthday. When we Greens entered for the first time in EP in 1984, we looked for partners to create a new political group. One of the first who became member of our Rainbow Group was the newly elected Alberto Tridente from the Italian Democrazia Proletaria. He described himself as a metal worker trade unionist who became a global citizen, anchored in the European solidarity movement. He stopped the delivery of Italian guns to the dictatorship in Chile, he linked Italian (and later on European) progressive Trade Unions with their Latin American counterparts and he became a friend of the trade union leader Lula, who later was elected President of Brazil. Alberto educated us on the conversion of military to civilian production and on solidarity with the oppressed around the world. He was radical in the positive sense: convinced, determined and intensive, but never aggressive."
    In allegato: fascia di tessuto con alle estremità stampata la bandiera della Repubblica del Saharawi.

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