Fondazione Istituto piemontese Antonio Gramsci di Torino

Rapporti e studi analitici vari sulle innovazioni tecnologiche nell'industria

Unità archivistica
  • Segnatura archivistica


  • Data

    1990 - 1991

  • Contenuto

    Rapporti e studi analitici in inglese sulle innovazioni tecnologiche nell'industria: A.Sandberg, Swedish work groups and Japaneese teams. Preliminary reflections based on the case of Volvo's new Uddevalla assembley plant (1991); B.Lorentzen, Defensive end offensive union strategies. Experiences from the introduction of FMS and CIM in Denmark (settembre 1990); J.Ranta, Tomorrow's industries, structural changes and the future of work organizations. Options, possibilities and a new way to compete; B.Lorentzen, Participation between managerial rationalization and workers' interests. Experiences from the introduction of FMS and CIM in Denmark (agosto 1990); A.d'Iribarne, Advanced technological forms which reflect the cultural, economic, educational, geographical and social reality in Europe; G.Vickery, Advanced manufacturing technology and the organisation of work

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